Interactive tree of Thomas Pettus

John Pettus 16721730
Stephen Pettus 16791758
Thomas Pettus 16351701
Mary Elizabeth Dabney 16601737
Thomas Pettus 15981662
Elizabeth Mourning 16151670
Jane Ka-Okee 16131637
Thomas Pettus 15521620
Cecily King 15611625
Sir Thomas Pettus 15191597
Christian de Thick 15271578
John Pettus 14961558
Joan de Thick 14901558
Simon de Thick 15031543
Rose Beatrice Crowe 15061566
William King 15441609
William Kinge I Captain 15201594
Anne Margaret de Ferrers 15261594
Kokoum 15901613
Amonute Mato-aka Pocahontas Flower Between Two Streams Rebecca 15951617
Japasaw 15201597
Ensenore Algokian Weroance
Daughter of Patawomeck Hawk Chief 15051550
Wahunsunacock Chief Powhatan 15451618
Winganuske Pocahontas 15451595
Elsenore 'Running Stream' Algonkian a.k.a. Don Luis de Velasco 15171570
Paupauwiske Morning Scent Flower Rochelle 15171600
Theodore Dabney D'Aubigne 16091700
Dorothy Bate Batts D'Aubigne 16031685