Families — ALGONKIAN

Given namesSurnameAgeGiven namesSurnameAgeMarriage Place
Elsenore 'Running Stream' Algonkian a.k.a. Don Luis de Velasco
Chief Ensenore Algonkea Running Straem
Running Stream CHIEF Mamanatowick Ensenore. Powhatan of Iroquois Tribe -Taken by the Spanish for education in Spain. Named Don Luis de' Velasco. Returned to Virginia as a Priest. Murdered Priests.
Ensenore Algonkian Powhatan (Chief Patawomeck Tribe)
Running Stream CHIEF Mamanatowick Ensenore. Powhatan of Iroquois Tribe -Taken by the Spanish for education in Spain. Named Don Luis de' Velasco. Returned to Virginia as a Priest. Murdered Priests.
Ensenore Algonkian Powhatan (Patawomeck Tribe)
Running Stream CHIEF Mamanatowick Ensenore. Powhatan of Iroquois Tribe -Taken by the Spanish for education in Spain. Named Don Luis de' Velasco. Returned to Virginia as a Priest. Murdered Priests.
Great Chief ElsenoreEnsenore 'Running Stream' Algonkian, Chief of the Powhatan Indians
Great Chief ElsenoreEnsenore 'Running Stream' Algonkian, Chief of the Powhatan Indians
Ensenore Algonkian
Elsenore 'Running Stream' Algonkian a.k.a. Don Luis de Velasco
Chief Ensenore Algonkea Running Straem
Running Stream CHIEF Mamanatowick Ensenore. Powhatan of Iroquois Tribe -Taken by the Spanish for education in Spain. Named Don Luis de' Velasco. Returned to Virginia as a Priest. Murdered Priests.
Ensenore Algonkian Powhatan (Chief Patawomeck Tribe)
Running Stream CHIEF Mamanatowick Ensenore. Powhatan of Iroquois Tribe -Taken by the Spanish for education in Spain. Named Don Luis de' Velasco. Returned to Virginia as a Priest. Murdered Priests.
Ensenore Algonkian Powhatan (Patawomeck Tribe)
Running Stream CHIEF Mamanatowick Ensenore. Powhatan of Iroquois Tribe -Taken by the Spanish for education in Spain. Named Don Luis de' Velasco. Returned to Virginia as a Priest. Murdered Priests.
Great Chief ElsenoreEnsenore 'Running Stream' Algonkian, Chief of the Powhatan Indians
Great Chief ElsenoreEnsenore 'Running Stream' Algonkian, Chief of the Powhatan Indians
Ensenore Algonkian
Paupauwiske Morning Scent Flower Rochelle
Morning Flower (Rachelle) Powhatan
Paupauwiske Morning Scent Flower Raleigh Chrashaw
Morning Flower (Rachelle) Powhatan
PauPauwiske (Scent Flower)
Morning Flower (Rachelle) Powhatan
Pau Pauwiske Morning Scent Flower Powhatan
Morning Flower Rachelle Powhatan
Scent Flower
Scent Flower (Scent Flower)
Showing 1 to 2 of 2