Media file |
Title: Find a Grave-Obit Media type: story Format: |
Record ID number | 56cb0247-bb7a-4d84-a2e5-9d65861505cc |
OBJE:_META | <metadataxml><content><line /><line><tbody></line><line><tr></line><line><td style="font-size: 13px;" valign="top">Birth:&nbsp;</td></line><line><td style="font-size: 13px;" align="left" valign="top">May 12, 1798</td></line><line></tr></line><line><tr></line><line><td style="font-size: 13px;" valign="top">Death:&nbsp;</td></line><line><td style="font-size: 13px;" align="left" valign="top">Nov. 23, 1878</td></line><line></tr></line><line><tr></line><line><td style="font-size: 13px;" colspan="2" valign="top"><br>MARTHA WIFE OF JACOB SIPPY on same stone as MARTHA Oliver WIFE OF ROBERT<br><br>Rochester Sentinel, Nov 30, 1878: DIED. -Our Akron reporter says that an aged and respected lady, Mrs. SIPPY, who resided 2 miles east of that place, recently departed this life, leaving several children and many friends to mourn her loss.<br><br><br><br>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;<br>Family links:&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;Children:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="NoUnderline12point" style="text-decoration: none; font-size: 12px; color: #552255;" href=";GRid=95700247">Jane&nbsp;<em>Sippy</em>&nbsp;Tudor (1824 - 1894)</a>*<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="NoUnderline12point" style="text-decoration: none; font-size: 12px; color: #552255;" href=";GRid=51400309">Martha&nbsp;<em>Sippy</em>&nbsp;Oliver (1832 - 1924)</a>*<br>&nbsp;<br><span class="minus1" style="font-size: 11px;">*<span class="fakeLink" style="color: #000088; text-decoration: underline;" title="">Calculated relationship</span></span></td></line><line></tr></line><line><tr></line><line><td style="font-size: 13px;" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></line><line></tr></line><line><tr></line><line><td style="font-size: 13px;" colspan="2" valign="top">Burial:<br><a style="color: #552255;" href=";GSln=sippy&amp;GSfn=martha&amp;GSbyrel=all&amp;GSdyrel=all&amp;GSst=17&amp;GScntry=4&amp;GSob=n&amp;GRid=51398708&amp;CRid=383961&amp;df=all&amp;">Akron Citizens Cemetery</a>&nbsp;<br>Akron<br>Fulton County<br>Indiana, USA</td></line><line></tr></line><line><tr></line><line><td style="font-size: 13px;" colspan="2" align="left">&nbsp;<br><a style="color: #552255;" href=";vcIntId=51398708"><span class="minus1" style="font-size: 11px;">Edit Virtual Cemetery info</span></a>&nbsp;<span class="minus1" style="font-size: 11px;">[<span class="fakeLink" style="color: #000088; text-decoration: underline;" title="header=[&lt;img src='/icons2/info.gif' style='vertical-align:middle'&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;Virtual Cemetery:] body=[&lt;b&gt;What is a Virtual Cemetery?&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</line><line> A Find A Grave Virtual Cemetery is essentially a collection of names from the Find A Grave database. As a Find A Grave contributor, you can build Virtual Cemeteries to group listings in whatever way you would like. For example, you might make a 'Smith Family Virtual Cemetery' where you would place all of the members of your Smith family tree. Other examples: 'My Favorite Actors' or 'Memorials I Visit Often'. Be creative!</line><line> &lt;br&gt;&nbsp;&lt;br&gt;</line><line> A VIRTUAL CEMETERY HAS NO RELATION TO A REAL CEMETERY! People listed in your VIRTUAL cemeteries can be buried in many different REAL cemeteries. You can add any name in the Find A Grave database to the Virtual Cemeteries you create. You can choose to make your Virtual Cemeteries visible to the visitors of your Find A Grave contributor page so that others can view the collections you have created.</line><line> ] fade=[on] fadespeed=[.09]">?</span>]</span></td></line><line></tr></line><line><tr></line><line><td style="font-size: 13px;" colspan="2" align="left">&nbsp;<br>Created by:&nbsp;<a style="color: #552255;" href=";MRid=47239249">Anonymous</a><br>Record added: Apr 20, 2010&nbsp;<br>Find A Grave Memorial# 51398708</td></line><line></tr></line><line></tbody></line><line /></content></metadataxml> |
OBJE:_CREA | 2020-08-12 03:10:19.000 |
OBJE:_CLON | _TID: 48338180 _PID: 27778068482 _OID: 619dd477-7aa8-467d-9f4c-af7af98ff1f0 |
OBJE:_ORIG | u |
Unique identifier | 6F4463A467A64955B2FBFC938A5C12BA53C5 |
Given names | Surname | Birth | Place | Death | Age | Place | Last change | ||||||||
Martha Lane
Martha Sippy |
May 12, 1798 |
226 |
Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
1 |
November 23, 1878 |
146 | 80 |
Akron, Fulton, Indiana, USA |
F | YES | YES | ||||
Showing 1 to 1 of 1
Given names | Surname | Age | Given names | Surname | Age | Marriage | Place | |||||
No records to display | ||||||||||||
Showing 0 to 0 of 0