Media file |
Title: Jacob "Whiskey" Baer Headstone Media type: Photo Format: jpg |
Record ID number | 799d70e9-1259-4902-92a3-8292b78cc3a0 |
OBJE:PLAC | Bear Lithia Spring, Elkton, Rockingham, Virginia, USA |
OBJE:_DSCR | Inscription:
on Nov 15
was Jacob Baer
born. "But the
righteous (man),
even if he dies
Too early, is
after all at rest,
for his soul pleases
God . . Therefore he
hastens with him out
of this even life."
Wisdom 4:7:14
Died Feb. 12, 1783.
Note: Bear Cemetery at Bear Lithia Spring, Elkton, Rockingham Co., VA |
OBJE:_META | <metadataxml><cemetery>Bear Cemetery</cemetery><transcription /><personas><persona><pname>Jacob Baer</pname><bdate>1724</bdate><bplace /><ddate>1792</ddate><dplace /></persona></personas></metadataxml> |
OBJE:_CREA | 2020-05-07 00:15:42.000 |
OBJE:_CLON | _TID: 42247544 _PID: 19911020054 _OID: eb8b8623-37e1-4e42-862a-404b78a19f93 |
OBJE:_ORIG | u |
Unique identifier | 103A51309D094D309390FFBC669E28D4CC79 |
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