bio family gossip - by Terry

Media file
Title: bio family gossip - by Terry
Media type: story
Record ID number

<metadataxml><content><line>&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style="font-size: 12px; line-height: normal;"&gt;Family history from many sources say that our gggg-grandmother was Cherokee; she was given the name of Elizabeth/Betty and raised in a Miller household. She had at least four children who kept the Miller name; she then married Robert McVey in Greenbriar County, Va 11/11/1847 and relocated to Floyd County, Ky where her daughter, Elizabeth McVey was born. Betty Miller has been described by those who saw her as being very petite, dark and lovely. She was raised from childhood as Elizabeth Miller in the Ashe County, NC area. A George Miller applied for guardianship for her; her date of birth is right about 1815. Would dearly love to know how this little girl came to be alone in that area and from what tribe she would have been a part of. Thank you so much for reading and hopefully someone, somewhere will be able to give us a lead.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</line></content></metadataxml>

2020-03-10 20:51:46.000


_TID: 41374324
_PID: 20434505565
_OID: e2f8d6f6-337a-490a-935a-06a426b221b3

Unique identifier

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Elizabeth Miller
Elizabeth Sheets
Elizabeth Darnel
Elizabeth Derner
Betty Miller
Elizabeth J Sheets
210 Virginia, USA
4 Never
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Title Event data? Abbreviation Author Publication Individuals Families Media objects Shared notes Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change
Shared places
Shared place Type Place Latitude Longitude Individuals Families