Cherokee Blood Line Applications

Media file
Title: Cherokee Blood Line Applications
Media type: story
Format: htm
Record ID number

Info received from Ric Sheets

<metadataxml><content><line>&lt;div&gt;&lt;font face="Arial" size="2"&gt;This&amp;nbsp;is info that I received from Ric Sheets regarding the applications claiming Cherokee heritage.&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;font face="Arial"&gt;&amp;quot;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;font face="Arial" size="2"&gt;Oh, something else I wanted to mention that may be of interest. In the Guilion Miller Index Rolls for ECA, there are 37 Sheets family members who submitted applications claiming Cherokee heritage. I often wondered what the basis for their claim was. All appear to be descended from Andrew and Mary Shearer Sheets. The source I mentioned in the earlier emails, who&amp;#39;s name by the way is Edith Colvard Crutcher, claims the source is Mary Shearer Sheets. According to her, she was &amp;quot;forced&amp;quot; at a young age to learn as much about her family heritage as she could. She said that her g grandmother, Sarah Bower Colvard was part Cherokee and that her mother, Caty Ann looked to be almost full blooded Cherokee. According to her family folklore, Mary Shearer Sheets was a full blooded Cherokee, who was adopted by the Shearer family at an early age. So, whether it is true or not, that would explain why all of those descendants filed the claims. Just thought you might like to know that bit of folklore, if you weren&amp;#39;t already aware of it.&amp;quot;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</line></content></metadataxml>

2020-01-15 16:43:52.000


_TID: 4541753
_PID: -1585847739
_OID: 04a6a384-3c50-4f4b-ae88-47584474c034

Unique identifier

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