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Title: NOTES and WILL of Jacob Bear (1724-1787) Media type: story Format: |
Record ID number | a81adf76-d2d4-4643-b0b4-f7d5e71e11c6 |
OBJE:_META | <metadataxml><content><line><p>from: FAMILY TREE MAKER: Descendants of Johann Peter Mueller<br>Notes for Jacob Bear:<br>Originally Brothers lived At Brock's Gap, a mountain pass, about 20 miles west of Lithia Springs from about 1750 to1763. In 1764 his Father-in-law, Adam Miller, offered him 280 acres and 200 pounds on the condition that he would be allowed to spend the rest of his life at the new house, now a building on said plantation, and that Jacob was to keep his in-laws supplied with two cows, a horse, meat, barley, wheat, and 33 gals. of whiskey. Jacob then moved to Lithia Springs. The springs are now known as Bear Lithia Springs, they are about 2 Mi. north of Elkton, Virginia. Jacob was a Lt. in the Militia during the Revolution, record Feb. 23, 1780. He and his brother John married sisters Ann and Elizabeth Miller. Spelled Bare and Baer. Jacob was called "Whiskey" because he kept his father in-law warm with whiskey. Jacob was an elder at St. Peter's Reformed Church.<br>-----<br>Will of Jacob Bear May 2, 1787<br>In the name of God, Amen. The second day of May, one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven. I, Jacob Bear, of the County of Rockingham and the state of Virginia, being old and infirm tho perfect in mind and memory thanks be given unto God for the same therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is be buried in a descent Christian burial at the direction of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly estate wherewith as it doth please God, and as the Almighty God to bless me in this life which give demise and dispose of in the following manner and form:<br><br>I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife BARBARA BEAR one Negro girl about 5 years old named PEGGY for her use during life and divide and increase if any equally among all my children, except Catherine Shurley, and the use of two milk cows to have her choice. If they go dry to choose two more. I likewise allow her the choice of a riding beast and if it dies to be furnished by her two children that live with her with another, of my dwelling house for her life time or during her widowhood with plenty of fire wood brought to her door, with 20 bushels of wheat, with ten bushels of barely, and twenty gallons of whiskey, a one hundred weight of bacon and the same of beef And if not used in the year to be returned and to draw the same quantity for the next year, with salt sufficient for her use. And thirty shillings in money every year, and half score of flax every year like wise. The above mentioned articles I order furnished by my sons, JACOB BEAR JR. and HENRY BEAR and I likewise order my son ADAM BEAR is to have the plantation I purchased of W.M. Nell WITHL) ACRED OF PINE LAND LYING BETWEEN Henry Millers 8 line and my old patented land and 5 pounds to begin with. I likewise order that my three sons have out of my stock before exposed to sale 2 horses beasts and 2 cows each and I likewise order that my son ADAM pay 25 pounds for his part of dower towards his five sisters three years after the sale of my moveables, and my other two sons JACOB and HENRY pay 62 pounds 10 shillings each in like manner, and I further order that the remainder of my moveable estate to be sold and equally divided among my sons and daughters, excepting my daughter Catherine Shurley. I give and bequest her one shilling stirling (N.B.) That if I should not live to see my daughter ANN BEAR married nor yet given her equal to the rest that she shall have eighty pounds hard money, two horses, two cows besides the equal part of my remainder of my movable when sold. I further order that if one of my children die without issue that their estate shall fall back to my other children equally and I likewise order that all and every particular of my estate now by me divided shall be good to each of them their heirs forever. I likewise order that my two sons JACOB BEAR JR. and HENRY BEAR be appointed my sole executors and administrators of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all and every other former will or testament by me before willed or bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.<br>-----<br>Jacob Bear Born about 1724 married Anna Barbara Miller (known as Barbara Bear) information on her family below.<br><br><br>American Revolution-dar<br>BAER, JACOB<br>Ancestor #: A004514<br>Service: <br>VIRGINIA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Rank: PATRIOTIC SERVICE<br>Birth: 15 Nov 1724&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; VIRGINIA<br>Death: (POST) 2 May 1787&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ROCKINGHAM CO VIRGINIA<br>Service Source: ROCKINGHAM CO VA MIN BK 1778-1792, PART 1, P 132<br>Service Description: 1) FURNISHED SUPPLIES TO THE ARMY<br>Residence:&nbsp; 1) ROCKINGHAM CO - VIRGINIA<br>Spouse:&nbsp; ANA BARBARA MULLER<br><br><br><br></p></line></content></metadataxml> |
OBJE:_CREA | 2021-05-09 00:18:42.000 |
OBJE:_CLON | _TID: 14896068 _PID: 20388642421 _OID: 1a42fe79-00d5-4d74-93dc-859c14219c3a |
OBJE:_ORIG | u |
Unique identifier | 34AC87BC307C48649268A2ED401816027475 |
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