Media file
Title: George SIZEMORE
Media type: story
Format: htm
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<metadataxml><content><line>&lt;span style="font-size: 12px"&gt;George All Sizemore Origin Native American Roots&lt;div&gt;&lt;div style="color: #777777; font-style: italic; margin-: 5px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-: 0px; font-size: 11px"&gt;Added by&amp;nbsp;gobelcher&amp;nbsp;on 25 Feb 2007&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;p style="margin-: 1em; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-: 0px; line-height: 1.3; font-size: 13px"&gt;Someone asked about the Sizemore results. This is also my family and&lt;br&gt;part of an ongoing research study being conducted by Dr. Elizabeth&lt;br&gt;Hirschman and myself. We tested John Sizemore, a direct descendant of&lt;br&gt;Old Ned through George Edward and Owen born in Clay Co., West Virginia.&lt;br&gt;It doesn&amp;#39;t get more Sizemore than that! Surprisingly (not to dyed in the&lt;br&gt;wool Sizemores like myself), the sample perfectly matched Native&lt;br&gt;American Indians from Panama, Alaska and other parts of North America.&lt;br&gt;Over 3,000 Sizemores of the Whitetop Laurel Tribe of Wilkes Co.,&lt;br&gt;N.C./Wise Co., Va. have maintained that they were Indian for the last&lt;br&gt;150 years and have just as stubbornly been rejected by all government&lt;br&gt;offices. Two entire volumes of the Guion Miller applications (all&lt;br&gt;rejected) are entirely taken up by Sizemores (vol. 10 and 11). Eat crow,&lt;br&gt;Uncle Sam!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Bill, below, mentions a legend of Mary Sizemore kidnapped and&lt;br&gt;impregnated by Chief Opechancanough in Jamestown. John Sizemore, the&lt;br&gt;test subject, has a similar theory:&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;John A Sizemore wrote:&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Hi Cousin This is my line again. My first cousin had done&lt;br&gt;research years ago and he told me that there was an Indian&lt;br&gt;at Jamestown with the name of Sizemore. Also William and Martha had&lt;br&gt;owned land in 1624 in James City County. What&lt;br&gt;are the Chances that William was Indian and Martha was White and then&lt;br&gt;there children moved back to England to return a&lt;br&gt;generation later. Has anyone thought of contacting the New&lt;br&gt;Zealand Sizemore&amp;#39;s to see what blood lines they have. My&lt;br&gt;cousin contacted them in the 50s and found out that they were sent&lt;br&gt;there in the 1850s or so as prisoners. I have no way of&lt;br&gt;documenting any of my theories and they are not based on any evidence&lt;br&gt;other than the way I see my own family act. We&lt;br&gt;tend to be adventurous. But I feel that William and Martha were the&lt;br&gt;progenitors of Us all and then their children went back&lt;br&gt;to England and there grand children came back here. If you look at the&lt;br&gt;on-line genealogy the Sizemore line was lost in the&lt;br&gt;new world for around 60 years and appeared in England then reappeared&lt;br&gt;here and died out in England in the 1800s around&lt;br&gt;the time the New Zealand bunch got sent over. I really do not&lt;br&gt;know how hard or easy it would be to trace back how&lt;br&gt;many generations the first white blood showed up. I do not know if Old&lt;br&gt;Neds father was the first. But things could get really&lt;br&gt;clarified then.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;I should also note that George All Sizemore&amp;#39;s mother Rachel Jackson said&lt;br&gt;she named him that to remind him that he was &amp;quot;all&amp;quot; Indian. She was&lt;br&gt;kidnapped, she said, and returned to her husband pregnant. So there&amp;#39;s&lt;br&gt;another similar legend for you all.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;I find it interesting that every one of the surnames the Sizemores&lt;br&gt;married with--Green, Anderson, White, Shepherd (which MEANS &amp;quot;Sephard&amp;quot;),&lt;br&gt;Jackson, Blevins and Hart (orig. Hirsch)--are Jewish (taken in their&lt;br&gt;historical context). Most are also considered &amp;quot;Melungeon.&amp;quot; There are&lt;br&gt;only about 250 identified &amp;quot;Melungeon&amp;quot; surnames on the semi&amp;#39;official list&lt;br&gt;maintained by the Melungeon Heritage Association and Mary Goodyear. When&lt;br&gt;your family&amp;#39;s surnames are ALL on that list, you begin to think&lt;br&gt;something definitely was going on and being concealed from others.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Finally, it has been suggested that Opechancanough was a half brother to&lt;br&gt;Powhatan and was actually a half-breed, with one of his parents Spanish.&lt;br&gt;For part of his life he had lived at a Spanish mission in Virginia.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</line></content></metadataxml>

2021-04-12 00:54:46.000


_TID: 2279035
_PID: -1847997328
_OID: 2f0b2aeb-9620-4b71-b7be-3263b4b9610b

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