
Media file
Title: Pfautz
Media type: story
Record ID number


<metadataxml><content><line>Pfautz&lt;hr style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font size="+1" style="font-family: 'times new roman'"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Parents&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Theobold Dewald , Sr. Pfautz&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2502] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Catherine Ann Spengel&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2503]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married Friday 27 May 1743, Hanover, York CO, PA USA&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Theobold Dewald , Sr. Pfautz:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born 1722, Germany&lt;br&gt;Died 1787, , Randolph, NC USA&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3324&lt;br&gt;Source: Dr. John Scott Davenport &amp;quot;Pfautz-Fouts-Foutz Newsletter No. 4, October 1981&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;Theobald Pfoutz, Sr., of Randolph Co., NC immigrant of 1738.&lt;br&gt;Junior settled in Ashe Co, NC until 1809 when he moved to Randolph Twp, Montgomery Co., OH&lt;br&gt;Theobald (Dewald/David) Pfautz, age 16 or under arrived in Philadelphia on the ship &amp;quot;Davy&amp;quot; in October 1738. He appears on the ship&amp;#39;s list as &amp;quot;Theevia Fautzen.&amp;quot; Fautzen is the German feminine form of the surname Fautz. Fautz=Pfautz. Strassburger and Hinke, &amp;quot;Pennsylvania German Pioneers&amp;quot; (Norristown Pennsylvania German Society, 1934), 3 Vols., 2255, list &amp;quot;Theevia&amp;quot; as a &amp;quot;doubtful&amp;quot; name. The ship&amp;#39;s list certified that there were 94 men, 47 women - a total of 141 on board. Theevia Fautzen must be included with the list of men in order to make the total 94. No others on the list of men have &amp;quot;-en&amp;quot; on their surnames. Hence, the name was that of a male named Fautz, or in German Pfautz. &amp;quot;Theevia&amp;quot; being aural English spelling of a German-pronounced German name can be transliterated phonetically into &amp;quot;Thebchd,&amp;quot; which is recognizable as Theobald. Strassburger and Hinke, 1233, List 61A only. The ship&amp;#39;s list included all males by name regardless of age and totaled 94 men. Only 40 men, those over age 16, signed the Oath of Allegiance (list 61B) and the Oath of Abjuration (list 61C). Per later date, Theobald Pfautz was a Lutheran when he arrived; hence would not conscientiously scruple to taking of the oaths if he were of age. Inasmuch as he married in 1743, his age then was most likely 21, for he also obtained a Maryland head right in the same year.&lt;br&gt;When Theobald arrived he went directly to Skippack and he joined the family of Jacob and Anna Magdalena. The relationship is not know but more than likely Theobald and David Sr were cousin or cousins once removed and became inseparable friends for the rest of their lives.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;His name was Theobald. However, he used Dewald, the German diminutive of that name. The German pronunciation of Dewald to an English ear resulted in Diobald, Devalt, Davaselt, Devault, and David appearing in various records. He appears as Theobald twice in Maryland records. In North Carolina he appeared either as Devaselt or David. In Randolph County, NC Deed Book 5:66, two of his younger sons described him as &amp;quot;Old David Fouts&amp;quot;. However, all records translated from German in Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina are consistent in identifying him as DeWald. Theobald is DeWald; Pfautz in Pennsylvania, Fouts in Maryland and NOrth Carolina, regardless of the name variation in English-language records.&lt;br&gt;Once the given name problem was resolved, DeWald Fouts was readily traceable as the progenitor of most of the Fouts in post-Revoutionary North Carolina, of the present Mountain Fouts of North Carolina; of the Fouts of Clark County, Indiana Territory; of the strongly Dunker Fouts of Randolph Township, Montgomery County, Ohio; and of the Fouts who were in Oregon by 1852.&lt;br&gt;27 May 1743 - &amp;quot;Register of St. Matthew&amp;#39;s Lutheran Church, Hanover, Pennsylvania, 1743-1865&amp;quot;, 2:375, German text; 2:262, English translation: The pastor of St. Matthew&amp;#39;s Lutheran Church in present Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania officiated at the marriage of Dewald Pfautz and Catrina Spengel.&lt;br&gt;In October 1743, as Dewald Pfautz, of Baltimore Co., he obtained a Maryland survey warrant for 50 acres, on the Waters of Great Pipe Creek. Circumstances of the survey and patent suggest that he had been located on the land for at least six months prior to the warrant date. Dewald was active in expanding his land holdings on the Waters of Great Pipe Creek for the next 20 years. Theobald sold his earlier land holdings and secured additonal lands (all on the Waters of Great Pipe Creek and simultaneously with similar activity of Michael). (Maryland Patents BY&amp;amp;GS #2:308-9; T1 #4:594-6; BC&amp;amp;GS #10:474-5 and Frederick County, Maryland Deeds B:26-8; B:492-3; H:5-6).&lt;br&gt;On 27 May 1743 the pastor of St. Matthew&amp;#39;s Lutheran Church in Hanover, York Co, PA, officiated at the marriage of Dewald Pfautz and Catrina Spengel. In October 1743, as Dewald Pfautz, of Baltimore Co, he obtained a Maryland survey warrant for 50 acres, on the waters of Great Pipe Creek.&lt;br&gt;In May 1744 he again appears in Lutheran records for the baptism of his first child, John Daniel Pfautz, with Daniel and Margareta Spengel as sponsors at St. Matthew&amp;#39;s in York County, Dewald was active in expanding his land holdings on the waters of Great Pipe Creek for the next 20 years.&lt;br&gt;On 4 June 1762 Dewald Pfautz of Frederick Co., MD.,(Frederick County, Maryland deeds B:26-8; B:492-3; H:5-6) sold to Casper Rowland, of the same place, two tracts of land, one known as &amp;quot;Cool Spring&amp;quot; and the other &amp;quot;Small Hope&amp;quot;. His wife Catherine relinquishes her Dower interest. (Frederick Co. Deeds, 4 June 1762). In 1767, Rowland provided the communion certificate for Daniel Spengel&lt;br&gt;in naturalization proceedings before a Maryland Provincial Court.&lt;br&gt;David and Michael, young men in their prime, along with other interrelated families of that area, traveled a wilderness road for a distance of about 400 miles as the crow flies. It was the second time when these faithful companions set forth on a journey in search of a better homeland.&lt;br&gt;17 Feb 1763 - Rowan County, NC Deeds: Dewald (David) Fouts, Sr., 292 acres, 5:332; John (John Daniel) Fouts, 200 acres, 5:333; Jacob Fouts (third son of Dewald), 200 acres, 5:334; Michael Fouts (son of Jacob, grandson of Hans Michael Pfautz), 260 acres, 5:335; Dewald (David) Fouts, Jr., 230 acres, 5:335; Andrew Hoover (husband of Margaret Fouts, the sist of Michael), 275 acres, 5:342; all deeds dated 17 Feb 1763. On the same day, buying land near or adjacent to the Fouts and Hoover were Adam Varner (brother-in-law to Michael Fouts), 289 acres, 5:415; Jacob Schwartz (a neighbor to Andrew Hoover in Maryland who sold out in Maryland on the same day that Hoover did), 200 acres, 5:483; and John Mast (of the Amish Mennonite family of Berks Co., PA., who was apparently unrelated to any of the others for his sons and daughters married Fouts and Hoovers almost exclusively), 233 acres, 5:338. On 22 Feb 1763, Hoover bought an additonal 213 acres, 5:342.&lt;br&gt;David, married two years prior to Michael, had more children. Theee of his sons John, Jacob and David Jr - were 16 or older and ooking forward to purchasing their first land at a reasonable price.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;Old David appears to have been the leader of the Uwharrie German community, for he was appointed &amp;quot;overseer of the Trading Road, from the Painted Springs east across the Uwharrie to Caraway Creek, by the Rowan County Court in 1768 (Rowan Co., NC Court of Pleas &amp;amp; Quarter Sessions Minutes, 2:17). He was the only German to be so recognized before 1771.&lt;br&gt;Diary of the Rev. George Soelle, March 23, 1771-April 12, 1773 (translated by&lt;br&gt;Bishop Kenneth G. Hamilton); Brother George Soelle, a Moravian missionary from Salem (George Soelle was a Danish-born minister and missionary who spent much of the 1760&amp;#39;s with the settlers of Broad Bay, Maine, and encouraged them to move to NC. He came to Wachovia himself in 170, and died in Salem in 1773), made 12 visits (46 days) on the Uwharrie and recorded in his Diary that he &amp;quot;Never got south of Michael Fouts&amp;#39; place.&amp;quot; He held his first meeting at Dewald (David) Fouts, Sr.&amp;#39;s place on 18 November 1771. On the third day, 20th November, he wrote in his Diary:&lt;br&gt;&amp;quot;...This is a unique species of people. They appear to be like Aesop&amp;#39;s crow which inflated itself with other birds&amp;#39; feathers. They have Moravian, Quaker, Separatists, Dunkards principles, know everything and know nothing, look down on others, belong to no one, and spurn others. Just one soul inspired some hope in me, with whom I was also able to converse, namely Dewald&amp;#39;s wife, whose frivolity is getting to be a burden to her and often oppresses her. (This could be his second wife). She, also, was the only one there who asked me to visit more frequently when I shoud return to that region...This Dewald has a lot of children who have been blind from birth&amp;quot;. (David, Jr.&amp;#39;s children)...Old David Fouts was a hardheaded German according to Soelle who wrote that he &amp;quot;met stubborn resistance when I tried to enlighten him&amp;quot;. Soelle stayed at David&amp;#39;s one night when he &amp;quot;lost his way to Hoover&amp;#39;s and had to turn back at Michael Fouts&amp;quot;. On another occasion he wrote, &amp;quot;I often experience among such folks what Soloman says, &amp;quot;A fool often asks more questions than a wise man can answer&amp;quot;. In general, he thought the Uwharrie Germans a &amp;quot;coarse lot&amp;quot;.&lt;br&gt;For many years &amp;quot;old David Fouts&amp;quot; was considered unreligious but in his later years he was called one of the &amp;quot;New Borns&amp;quot; of the Separate Baptist Church. The Baptist Historical Society identifies the Separate Baptists as practicing nine ordinances emphasizing - plainness of dress, espousing pacifism, eschewing oaths, and preaching in a peculiar sing-song manner, all of which were done also by the Dunkers.&lt;br&gt;Old David, Sr., a staunch pacifist, and his son David, Jr. moved from the Uwharried to Wilkes (now Ashe) Co before 1789, where he bought and sold land. David apparently died there, for his sons were deeding away his Uwharrie lands in 1793. David, Jr. left Ashe Co. in 1809-10, making his Land Entry in the upper Stillwater region of Montgomery Co., OH in 1811.&lt;br&gt;No further documentation conerning Dewald has been found in NOrth Carolina after the Randolph County Tax list of 1779. Based on the pattern of dissolution of his family in the 1780&amp;#39;s, it is believed that he was dead by 1787. He most likely died during the period after September 1782 and before September 1787 for which the Randolph County Court Minutes are lost.&lt;br&gt;There appear to be several children missing-probably girls&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;Catherine Ann Spengel:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born 1727, , Lancaster, PA USA&lt;br&gt;Died ABT 1799, Ashe (now Waugago), NC USA&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3325&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;hr style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font size="+1" style="font-family: 'times new roman'"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Children&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Rhoda Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2509] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;John Younce&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2517] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1435]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married , Rowan CO, NC USA&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Rhoda Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Died , Ashe CO, NC USA&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3332&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;John Younce:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born 1748&lt;br&gt;Died 1828, , , Ashe CO, NC USA&lt;br&gt;Occupation Place: Blacksmith&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3341&lt;br&gt;Lived around Ashe County, NC&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;John Daniel Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;sup&gt;1&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2507] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Mary Garren&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2515] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1433]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married ABT 1762&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;John Daniel Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born Friday 11 March 1743, Pipe Creek Waters, MD USA&lt;br&gt;Died 1802, , Randlolph CO, NC USA&lt;br&gt;Misc. event Type: Christened&lt;br&gt;Misc. event Date: MAY 1744&lt;br&gt;Misc. event Place: York CO, PA&lt;br&gt;Religion:&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;Religion Place: Baptists&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3329&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;Mary Garren:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born ABT 1740, &amp;lt;, Prince Georges, MD USA&amp;gt;&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3338&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Theobald Dewald , Jr. Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2501] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Elizabeth Hoover&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P874] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F692]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married ABT 1765, , Rowan, NC USA&lt;sup&gt;4&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Theobald Dewald , Jr. Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born ABT 1745, Pipe Creek Waters, Prince Georges, MD USA&lt;br&gt;Died October 1821, , Randolph Twp., Montgomery CO, OH USA&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3323&lt;br&gt;David was the father of 4 blind children. Br. George Soelle, the Moravian missionarey who visited the family 1772 when they were living in Guilford (now Randolph) Co., NC, recorded that the children (then only John and Jonas) had eye structures that had not formed correctly and that their eyes were the size of peas. Whether it was a case of two close kinship between father and mother is moot, but a similar situation occured among the Fouts and Hoovers on an intermarriage in Miami Co., OH in the next generation.&lt;br&gt;The four blind children, all of whom survived the frontier in both North Carolina and Ohio, were John, Jonas, Catherine , and Hannah.&lt;br&gt;One of his decendants noting that his land patent in Ohio has been issued to &amp;quot;Theobald Fouts&amp;quot; said it was an Entry Agent&amp;#39;s error.&lt;br&gt;Theobald was referred to as &amp;quot;Old David&amp;quot;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;Elizabeth Hoover:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born ABT 1751, Pipe Creek Waters, Frederick CO, MD USA&lt;br&gt;Died ABT 1825&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 1344&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Jacob Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2626] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Mary Magdelena Waymire&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2627] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1506]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married Friday 1 May 1772, , Rowan, NC USA&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Jacob Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born ABT 1746, , Prince Georges CO, MD&lt;br&gt;Died Thursday 25 October 1860, Washington Twp, Clark, IN&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3463&lt;br&gt;Enumerated in Indiana in the Cencus of 1820&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;Mary Magdelena Waymire:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Alias Mary Magdalene Waymire&lt;br&gt;Born ABT 1747&lt;br&gt;Died ABT 1829&lt;br&gt;Buried &amp;lt;, , Denton CO, TX USA&amp;gt;&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3464&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Andrew Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2508] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Elizabeth Garren&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2516] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1434]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married ABT 1769, , Rowan, NC USA&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Andrew Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born ABT 1749, Creek, Rowan CO, NC USA&lt;br&gt;Died ABT 1782, Randolph CO, NC&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3331&lt;br&gt;The Fouts in Clark CO., IN were a mixture of Universalian Dunker, Baptist and Universalist creeds&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;Elizabeth Garren:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born 1749, , , MD&lt;br&gt;Died AFT 1813, , , IN&lt;br&gt;Religion:&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;Religion Place: Quaker&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3340&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;John Leonard Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2510] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Catherine Shearer&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2554] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1436]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married ABT 1776, , Guilford, NC&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;John Leonard Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born ABT 1755, , Frederick CO, MD&lt;br&gt;Died ABT 1799, , Ashe CO, NC&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3333&lt;br&gt;This family was located in Wilkes-Ashe Co., NC c1785 until it began moving--not counting a swing of Leonard Fouts, Sr., with some of his family at least, into Kentucky in the mid-1790&amp;#39;s and again in 1801-02. Leonard had land in Muehlenberg Co., Ky and speculated in land in Warren Co., KY. He also married a daughter Mary to Joseph Ray, there in 1795.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;John Leonard, Sr, was the peripatetic Fouts of Wilkes-AsheCo., NC and went by &amp;quot;Leonard&amp;quot; or by &amp;quot;Leonard, Sr&amp;quot;, was a maverick in naming his children, having sons George, Leonard, Jr., Joseph, Jacob, and Solomon--all but Jacob being unique among the North Carolina Fouts.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;Information from Davenport Newletter&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;Catherine Shearer:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born BET 1750 AND 1755&lt;br&gt;Died BET 1840 AND 1850, , Macon CO, NC&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3382&lt;br&gt;After husband&amp;#39;s death Chaterine moved to Macon County with her son Jacob. The family spoke German. Info is from German bible in possession of Dover R. Fouts at the time this article was published by Thelma Welch Swanson.&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Lewis Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2511] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Mary Gallimore&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2573] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1437]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married 1788, , Randolph CO, NC&lt;sup&gt;5&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Lewis Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born ABT 1761, , Frederick CO, MD&lt;br&gt;Died AFT 1840, , Cabarrus CO, NC&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3334&lt;br&gt;Most of this Lewis&amp;#39; family settled in Cabarrus Co, NC before 180 and returned to Lutheranism, was wiped out by the Civil War.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;Mary Gallimore:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born BET 1755 AND 1774&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3403&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;li&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;ul&gt;=&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Christina Lingle&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2574] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1438]&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married Thursday 5 January 1797, , Cabarrus CO, NC&lt;sup&gt;6&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Christina Lingle:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Reference number: 3405&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Peter Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;sup&gt;7&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2512] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Catherine Younce&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;sup&gt;8&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2518] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1439]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married BET 1790 AND 1800, , Ashe CO, NC USA&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Peter Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born Monday 10 November 1766, Cedar Lodge, Davidson, Uwharrie River, Randolph CO. NC USA&lt;br&gt;Died Thursday 20 September 1838, , Clay Twp, Carroll CO, IN USA&lt;br&gt;Buried Pyrmont Cemetery, IN USA&lt;br&gt;Misc. event Type: Died at&lt;br&gt;Misc. event Place: 71 yrs a0 mos 10 das&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3335&lt;br&gt;Information on this family from Roland Jacobs Brown, Jr, 1606 Genesee St., Utica, NY 13602 e-mail Tel 315-732-7186. Info also from Don Bowman&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;Relocated to Miami CO, OH&lt;br&gt;Peter and Catherine ended up in Carroll County, Indiana and their children and they were members of the Church of the Brethren Church. Children of John and Mary Younce Fouts&amp;#39; grandchildren also lived in Carroll LCounty, IN. I am unsure of their church affiliation. Their granddaughter, Susan Fouts, my 3rd-great-great grandmother, and she dided in Washington Twp., Tippecanoe, IN very close to Pyrmont. Her husband was United Brethren, which is not the same as Church of the Brethren. This Susan was a Noah Fouts whose cabin appears in a picture on this site. These Foutses, families of Hoover/Sinks/Younce/Bykett, etc....are hard to keep straight. By Melissa Parrish&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;Catherine Younce:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born ABT 1771, , , Guilford CO, NC USA&lt;br&gt;Died Saturday 10 September 1836, , , Carroll CO, IN USA&lt;br&gt;Buried Pyrmont Cemetery, IN USA&lt;br&gt;Misc. event Type: Died at&lt;br&gt;Misc. event Place: 60 yrs&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3342&lt;br&gt;Marty Grant gives birthday as 1755/1774. 3291 Alton Phillips Rd., Kinston, NC 28504 or;br&gt;Catherine Younce was a niece of John Fouts and Mary Younce as her mother, Catherine was John&amp;#39;s sister and her father, Lawrence Younce was Mary&amp;#39;s brother. The double connection begtween these two families not eveen counting the unknown relationship of Peter Fouts and John Fouts who were propbably cousins of some degree&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Barbara Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2513] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;Jacob Mast&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;sup&gt;9&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2519] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1440]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married ABT 1788, Wilkes (now Watauga) CO, NC&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Barbara Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born ABT 1769, , Rowan, NC USA&lt;br&gt;Died 1796, , Wilkes, NC&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3336&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;Jacob Mast:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Religion:&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;Religion Place: Baptist&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3343&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Hannah Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{F} [P2514] =&amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;John Garren&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;sup&gt;10&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P2520] &amp;gt;&amp;nbsp;Family [F1441]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Married 1790, , Randolph CO, NC&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Hannah Fouts:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born Thursday 11 July 1771, , Guilford CO, NC&lt;br&gt;Died Saturday 17 November 1855, , Buncombe CO, NC&lt;br&gt;Buried Cane Creek Cemetery, Buncombe CO, NC&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3337&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;John Garren:&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;Born Saturday 18 February 1769, , Rowan CO, NC USA&lt;br&gt;Died Friday 14 April 1843, , Buncombe CO, NC&lt;br&gt;Buried Cane Creek Cemetery, Buncombe CO, NC&lt;br&gt;Religion:&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;Religion Place: Dunkers, then Baptists&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 3344&lt;br&gt;The Garrens were in Wilkes Co., NC, Dunker community, 1791-1796; in Uwharrie Dunker community, Rowan (now Davidson) Co., NC, 1797-1811, when they moved to Buncombe Co., NC&lt;br&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Joseph Fouts&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;nbsp;{M} [P4219]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;Born ABT 1775, Uwharrie Waters, NC&lt;br&gt;Died ABT 1778&lt;br&gt;Reference number: 5398&lt;br&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;hr style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font size="+1" style="font-family: 'times new roman'"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Sources&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;p style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: medium"&gt;&lt;font&gt;1&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;Source:&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;Source: Marty Grant 9/13/99&lt;br&gt;2&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;Source: John Scott Davenport Newsletter 13, March 1987&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;3&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;Birth/Death/Marriage Source:&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;Birth/Death Source: Schwarz, p 437&lt;br&gt;4&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;MARRIAGE SOURCE&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;MARRIAGE SOURCE. Schwarz, p 437&lt;br&gt;5&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;Newsletter&amp;quot;; Page Pfautz=-Fouts-Foutz newletter #4 Oct 1981 pg 8&lt;br&gt;6&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;Newsletter&amp;quot;; Page Pfsutz-Fouts-Foutz newletter #4 Oct 1981 pg 8&lt;br&gt;7&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;Family Infomation&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;Family Infomation: Melissa Hennigar Parrish, July 31, 2001&lt;br&gt;7a:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;Birth Source:&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;Birth Source: IGI,&lt;br&gt;8&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;Info from :&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;Info from :. microfilm #1035957, Vol. 9, Genealogyof Jacob&lt;br&gt;9&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;MARRIAGE SOURCE&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;MARRIAGE SOURCE. Marriages through 1820, Randolph County, compiled by Nancy W. Simpson&lt;br&gt;10&amp;nbsp;:&amp;nbsp;&amp;quot;MARRIAGE SOURCE&amp;quot;&lt;br&gt;MARRIAGE SOURCE. From the book, Marriages Through 1820, Randolph County, compiled by Nancy W. Simpson&lt;br&gt;&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;font size="-1" style="font-family: 'times new roman'"&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;em&gt;Codes in square brackets &amp;quot;[]&amp;quot; are unique person/family identifiers.&lt;/em&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;&lt;em&gt;Superscripted numbers are references to source citations at the bottom of this page.&lt;/em&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;&lt;em&gt;{M} = Male; {F} = Female.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/font&gt;</line></content></metadataxml>

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_TID: 12666369
_PID: -186659137
_OID: 8ebddaa6-2815-4193-ab5e-1c9a1c3ebafe

Unique identifier

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Theobald Dewald David Fouts Pfautz Sr
Theobald DeWalt Fouts Sr
Dewald Pfautz
Dewald Fautz
Theobald DeWalt Fouts\Pfautz
August 14, 1722
301 Rohrbach, Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Lower Saucon, Sachsen, Germany
9 September 1787
September 1787
236 65 Lexington, Davidson, NC, USA
Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, USA
Uwharrie River, Randolph, North Carolina, United States
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Title Event data? Abbreviation Author Publication Individuals Families Media objects Shared notes Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change
Shared places
Shared place Type Place Latitude Longitude Individuals Families