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Title: from Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol 17 #2 page 66 Media type: story Format: |
Record ID number | 309e76c6-705e-442c-a018-02e940721265 |
OBJE:_META | <metadataxml><content><line><p>"Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly" Vol 17 Number 2 page 66<br><br>BEAR-LITHIA CEMETERY INSCRIPTIONS<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Page County<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; contributed by <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dorothy Boyd Rush<br><br>1724/ DEN 15 NOVE ISD JACOB&nbsp; BAER GEBOREN. / ABER DER GERECHTE OB / <br>ER GLEICH ZU ZEIT / LICH STIRBT ISD ER&nbsp; / DOCH IN DER RUHE / DEN<br>SEINE SELE GE / FAELD GOT DARUM / EILET ER MID IHM AUS / DEM BOESEN<br>LEBEN / W. HEIT 4.7.14 ISD / GEST. A.D. 12 FEB 1783.<br><br>(Translation: 1724 / On Nov. 15 was Jacob Baer born.&nbsp; "But the <br>righteous (man) even if he dies too early, is after all at rest,<br>for his soul pleases God . . . . Therefore he hastens with him out<br>of this evil life."&nbsp; Wisdom (Weisheit) 4:7, 14.&nbsp; Died 12 Feb. 1783.)<br><br>1726 / IST ANA BAR / BARA BAERIN / UND DEIN LEBEN / LANG HABE GOTT /<br>VOR AUGEN UND / IM HERZEN UND / HUETE DICH DAS DU / IN KEINE SUENDE<br>WIL / LIGEST UND THUST WIL / DER GOTTES GERBOT / TOBI 4.6 / IST<br>GEBORN 1726 / IST GE / STOR. A. / D. 27 N. 1791.<br><br>(Translation: 1726 / was Anna Barbara (Mrs. ) Baer "And all your life keep God before your eyes and in your heart, and guard yourself that you consent to no sin nor transgress God's commandment. " Tobit (Tobia) 4:6.&nbsp; Was born 1726. Died A. D. Nov. 27 1791.)<br><br>Until recently there was a third legible sandstone marker in this cemetery, which is situated near the locally famous Bear-Lithia Spring just north of Elkton, Virginia on route 340.&nbsp; The third stone was much more recent than the other two, being at the same time larger, thinner and less deeply cut.&nbsp; It is now broken and weathered beyond repair.&nbsp; It used to read: "Jacob Bear departed this life May 17, 1827, aged 61 yrs. 5 mos. and 17 days."&nbsp; This Jacob Bear is known to be the son of the previously mentioned Jacob and Barbara Baer (Bear).<br><br>According to local DAR records, there was also, in years past, a small aged footstone inscribed J.B.S. in the cemetery, suggesting that in fact three generations of Jacob Baers (Bears), paternal grandfather, father, and son, had the same final resting place, despite the fact that the spelling of their name gradually evolved from the German "Baer" to the English "Bear."&nbsp; Others who are interred in this graveyard have no stones to mark their resting.</p></line></content></metadataxml> |
OBJE:_CREA | 2021-05-09 00:16:25.000 |
OBJE:_CLON | _TID: 14896068 _PID: 20388642421 _OID: e9561e1a-9c08-44b1-b8b1-5f6e430c82f8 |
OBJE:_ORIG | u |
Unique identifier | ECB8CA2A22E94E4BA6A486467E99ED94EA5F |
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