
Media file
Title: Service
Media type: story
Format: htm
Record ID number

<metadataxml><content><line>Service: Private: Virginia. her entered the service in Bedford County, VA, in September 1781 in Capt. Charles Callaway's Company, Col. James Callaway's Regiment; was at the seige of Yorktown and served three months. he enlisted in July, 1782 with Capt. Abraham Kirkpatrick, Col. Christian Fehiger, serving six months. He was transferred to Capt. Charles Yarborough's and Capt. benjamin Dades' troops and was furloughed home when he became ill. He did garrison's duty under Capt. Nathaniel Irish at New London, Campbell County and was discharged in 1783. </line><line /><line>Pension: He was pensioned. Mary R1654, widow of John, was living in Hillsboro, Montgomery County, when his pension claim was denied (act July 7, 1838) for proof of service and marriage.</line><line /><line>Source: PI, Pension, W</line></content></metadataxml>

2020-03-10 20:44:08.000


_TID: 25048536
_PID: 1996974275
_OID: 4f8776d1-f5a6-40a8-8960-090991551d13

Unique identifier

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
John Canada Kennedy
John Canaday
John Kennady
March 14, 1763
261 Maryland, USA
0 1840
184 76 Wayne County, Kentucky, USA
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Title Event data? Abbreviation Author Publication Individuals Families Media objects Shared notes Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change
Shared places
Shared place Type Place Latitude Longitude Individuals Families